This weekend I was involved on the Dodge for Josh Dodgeball Tournament. This tournament raised money for the Josh Rojas Foundation. This event proved how physics can not only be fun but at times can also be painful. In the game of dodgeball the entire objective is to create and form collisions. In this sport there are two typees of collisions, inealastic and elastic. One can witness the collisions by watching a player get hit by a ball or when two balls collide into one another. IN an elastic collision, the total momentum and kinetic energy are both conserved. In an inelastic collision, the two objects move as one object and one mass. In this collision the momentum is conserved meanwhile to kenetic energy is being converted into internal elastic potential energy. The remainder of the kenetic energy is then converted into heat and sound energy. This tournament went by too fast but I guess that time truely does fly by when your having fun!
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