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Phone Dropping

So let me tell you a story about my girlfriend and her tragic story of her phone. On her way into the house, she had a big load to carry in. Not concerned about her phone, she was walking into the door and her phone slipped from her pile of belongings in her hand and fell right in the floor and now has a big crack across the whole screen. So, as she was walking she had a velocity as whatever let's say Vx. But this doesn't matter since all that matters in a free fall is the vertical velocity, Vy. Using kinematics in the horizontal direction, we know the initial velocity (Vx), the final velocity (Vx), the acceleration (0), and the distance does not matter in order to find the time. We use Vf = Vo * at and solve for t. Once we have t, then we can use that in the vertical direction to find the distance the phone has dropped. With the initial velocity (0), the acceleration (-9.8), the time (t), and finial velocity is not needed,  we can use x = Vo(t) + .5at^2 to find the distance the phone dropped. We can also use the mass and the acceleration to find the force that caused the phone to crack. That's all for the cracking of phones. Tune in next time on the wonderful world of physics. 


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