Guitar Strings
My good ol' guitar has been getting out of tune recently, I think it's time for a restring. The strings were not strung in the best possible way to begin with so they have slowly over time been slipping out of the tuners. Even if the guitar is re-tuned, the strings will continue to slip more and more, so they need to be taken off and replaced. I have however been putting this off for a while, while the guitar is still playable it sounds not the best. The first time I restrung my guitar, I was tuning it and a string broke, luckily it didn't hit me while flying off, because those things hurt. There's a lot of tension in those strings, they have to have lots of tensile strength to not break under the force that they are being stretched out with. Between the broken guitar and my exuberance with the skill, things have been slow going recently...
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