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Magnetism Fullerton VS Lewin



After watching all of Walter Lewin's videos as well as Mr. Fullerton's, I've come to the conclusion that Mr. Fullerton's videos are more straightforward and earlier to understand that Lewin's. For those of you who swear Lewin isn't speaking English, here's a summary of the video content. I will be listing content in order of the A Plus Phys. video titles, so that if anyone needs elaboration they can refer to the corresponding video. :star: If even that doesn't work, the textbook & practice problems for each chapter might help, too.

Note: There are some concepts that I can't put in, like RHR and other exercises that require visuals. For these, please reference the vids!


  1. Moving Charges in Magnetic Fields
  2. Forces on Current-Carrying Wires
  3. Fields due to Current-Carrying Wires

    1. PSSC Magnet Laboratory

[*]Biot-Savart Law

[*]Ampere's Law

Moving Charges in Magnetic Fields

-Magnetism= force caused by moving charges

-Magnets= dipoles (always both N & S; no dipole discovered)

-like poles repel, opposites attract

-mag. domains = clusters of atoms

~Random domains = no net B (mag. field)

~Organized domains = had net B

-1 tesla (T) = N*s/C*m

-non-SI unit = 1 Gauss = 10-4 Tesla

*Bearth = 1/2 Gauss

-Mag. field lines point noth to south

-Density B= mag. flux

-FB= q(vXB)

-lFBl - qvBsinθ

For a particle affected by a FB, the radius of its circular path r = mv/qB

Lorentz Force:Ftot= Fe + FB = q(E + v x B)

For a particle traveling perpendicular to the E field, v = E/B

Current Carrying Wires in Mag. Field

FB= I dl x B

**watch video for RHR, elec. motor and examples.

Mag. field for current carrying wire

B = μ0 I / 2πr

μ0 =4π x10-7

Max's 2nd Eqn AKA Gauss's Law for magnetism:

Φ (mag flux) ∫ B • dA = 0 ***note: integral over the CLOSED SURFACE

The Biot- Savart Law

dB = / 2πr (dl x r)

...This one is hard to understand without the vid, because it involves derivation with examples, and the solution changes with each situation.

Amphere's Law

You can skip this video if you've seen Walter's video lecture 15, as it's content is the same in both Fullerton & Lewin's versions.

∫ B • dl = μ0 Ipenetrating

Watch the video for elaboration with examples.

Also see the either video for information on a solenoid (slinky).

...I hope that was moderately helpful. If not, maybe I've at least convinced you to watch the videos. Good luck on the independent unit, everyone! Stay on top of things!



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