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im mitchell and im 17 years old. i have an older brother named morgan. i drive a jeep and it is my baby. ive been working for irondequoit lawn and landscape for 2 years now and i love almost everything about it. in the winter i like to snowboard and in the spring i play baseball. 


i took physics because im not too sure what i want to do in the future but it will probably have something to do with math or science. i hope to learn alot about how the world around me so i can get a better understanding of how everything works


That's real cool that you have a jeep that's one of the cars I would definitely want if I had a choice!

I personally want to go into the science major so I totally understand that.


Hiya Mitchell, welcome to APlusPhysics!  I'm a baseball player myself -- still hold our high school's record for most home runs in a game -- 4!


(Unfortunately I was the pitcher...)



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