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Everything posted by FizziksGuy

  1. I watched the first few seasons several years back and enjoyed it. Acting was tremendous, but the content was just dark enough that I never went back to finish the series in favor of lighter / happier fare.
  2. Correct, the PDF is not editable or printable, so it cannot be imported into the Notes app.
  3. FizziksGuy


    Exactly .7 seconds after the ball is released, you don't (yet) know how far it has fallen. You could solve for the displacement of the ball after 0.7 seconds, however. If, instead, the problem had asked "how fast is the ball traveling the instant before it hits the ground," in that case you would use 4.0 meters as the displacement, but you would not know t (elapsed time).
  4. The Victor Central School District in Victor, NY (a suburb of Rochester) is looking for a full-time physics teacher. Details in the link. https://www.applitrack.com/victorschools/onlineapp/default.aspx?Category=High+School+Teaching&AppliTrackJobId=1525&AppliTrackLayoutMode=detail&AppliTrackViewPosting=1
  5. Hi RegentsScholar06. All of the content is still on the site, just in different places (in the Worksheets sections as well as the Community section, which wasn't available when the first book was published), and all of the videos are still available on the site, just not in Flash format, but more modern streaming formats (and also through YouTube). Unfortunately I don't see as I'll have time to perform such a significant upgrade on the site in the near future to convert the manually-developed Flash content into HTML5, an extremely significant undertaking. All the Best, Dan
  6. Use your kinematic equations. Start by writing what you know (initial velocity is 0, time is 0.3 seconds, and distance traveled can be measured from the drawing). Once you know three things, you can use your kinematic equations to solve for the other two (details here: https://www.aplusphysics.com/courses/regents/videos/KinEqns_Reg/KinEqns_Reg.html)
  7. Welcome to APlusPhysics Carolyn!
  8. Welcome Bala!
  9. Might also consider this recent site, Strategic Option Investing.
  10. Hi Terry -- based on popular request of instructors I don't give out the solutions to the lab, leaving it to instructors to formulate their solutions (otherwise it becomes a much less effective tool for classroom teachers as students could just copy the answers).
  11. That's an initial velocity from a jump. Usain Bolt is looking at his whole body running where 12.27 m/s is a sustained speed.
  12. Right, but it's ultimately a proof of 1 vs. 1, not an empirical derivation of g. You're proving something is itself if you use theoretical values.
  13. Graphing the empirical k_delta_x vs. Msintheta would work, but not the theoretical. They want you to determine an empirical value for g, not do a mathematical exercise that results in a 1=1 proof.
  14. See here:
  15. I might start with a resource like this: https://opentextbc.ca/physicstestbook2/chapter/damped-harmonic-motion/ or this: https://www.toppr.com/guides/physics/oscillations/damped-simple-harmonic-motion/
  16. Hi Muskkan. Damped oscillators are outside the scope of AP Physics 1/2, but happy to help if I can. How far have you gotten so far / where are you getting stuck?
  17. The one about the ice skater? Can you be more specific?
  18. Absolutely... want you to be 100% satisfied with your purchase. Refund complete.
  19. Correct. When you purchase the book it specifically says it cannot be printed (part of the licensing deal with publishers). However, all of the question sets are available to print individually at https://www.aplusphysics.com/courses/regents/worksheets/ws_index.html.
  20. Hi ertugrultiyek. Sounds like a solid question. What have you tried so far?
  21. Hi Myua, It's in the download section -- the previous "buy" button turns to a "download" button after you complete the purchase. To save you the trouble, however, I also e-mailed you the file.
  22. Connecting to ground provides an infinite supply of electrons (or can be an infinite sink of electrons). If you ground a metal rod, and hold a negative rod near an end, negative charges will be repelled from the rod into the ground. If you then disconnect the rod from the ground, no charges can enter or leave the rod, so you're left with a net positive charge on the rod.
  23. Page 78 in the book talks about charging by induction. This section should help you out. It doesn't matter which part of the metal rod is grounded, since it's a conductor.
  24. All the best to you and yours as well! Merry Christmas!
  25. I would think the final pressure would be atmospheric... 🙂
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