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physics yo

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physics of rain

physics can be found in everything, even the weather!! All precipitation contains elements of physics, however rain is perhaps the most interesting. Rain falls at what is called terminal velocity. this is when an object reaches a cirten speed and stops accelerating. The acceleration around earth is 9.81 meters per second^2. There is a very interesting physics consept as to why the rain water doesnt have a more devistating effect. most rain drops fall at a velocity of about 18 mph. getting hit



physics of golf

one of the most relaxing sports to partake in is the sport of golf. Golf is a timeless sport that is a ton of fun to play with friends, not to mention golf is a very physics active sport! Golf is heavily reliant on properties such as kenetics and kinematics. Many golfers make physics decisions every time they play without even realizing it. Everytime a golfer chooses a club they deside what angle they will need the face of the club to contact the ball for the desired elevation and range. For



the physics of car wheels

in thinking about physics in different aspects of the world around us, I have come to realize that physics is in things that I use everyday, not just in things like sports! I drive my car everyday and an average car has hundreds of aspects of physics involved with its handy means of transportation. One of the most influential aspects of physics in an automobile is friction. Car tires are made of rubber outfitted with patterns which increase the coefficient of friction and thus create much mor



Physics of Sailing

One of my favorite things to do during the fall and summer is sailing. Along with skiing, I think that sailing is one of the most physics filled activites you can partake in. Sailing is infinatly more complicated than most people think it to be, there are an unimaginable amount of variables that come into play when trying to harness the wind to move a boat. The sail is obviously the most crutial element to the sailboat. The sail provides a wide and flexible shute in which the wind is caught.



the physics of ski racing

Alpine skiing is one of my favorite things to do. And in thinking about the sport there is a lot of physics involved! Downhill skiing involves gravity and friction more than any other sport I can think of. The most important equipment to any ski racer is their skis, this involves an amazing amount of maintnance. Taking care of a good pair of race skis includes sharpening them after each use and waxing them as well. Waxing skis has a lot to do with the physics of the sport. What waxing does is it



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