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Driving a car

So my Friend Timmy C. is not the best driver.  See he has just stated and doesn't quite get that you cant hit the brakes really hard. So as you can imagine it is a very jerky car ride. And thinking more about this it is because of out mass that we will continue to move forward even though the car has slowed. This is because of inertia and mass is a property of inertia. Inertia is the resistance to acceleration based on mass. So therefore a heavier mass will be harder to accelerate and a lighter



Just a cool thought

Today in class a cool thought was brought to my attention. The idea that an object that is an infinite distance away from all other objects will have no gravitational potential energy. Its a cool idea because if you think about any object on earth it has its own gravitational field due to the fact that all matter has mass. The earth is a great example of this because we can clearly see the moon and how it travels around the earth which is due to the gravitational pull by the earth on the moon. S



Hockey shot

Thinking about what we have been learning in physics, on the topic of energy, it makes it more clear to see some of the physics that goes into taking a shot in hockey. I mean they go so fast but getting there was a little hard for me until this unite that we are in now. Looking at elastic potential energy you can clearly see that in the picture below. It's crazy to see how that potential energy is turned into kinetic energy  in fractions of a second and the puck is sent flying at ridiculous spee




So this weekend my brother had a hockey game that I went to go watch. I traveled all the way to buffalo to watch his team get beat 5-2. Anyways, during his game he got absolutely destroyed at center ice. It sounds like it would really hurt but getting hit in the center of the ice isn't as bad as it sounds, getting hit against the boards it way worse which I know from experience (I have had my fair share of getting hit myself). But, this got me thinking of why it hurts more getting hit against th



Friction Good or Bad

A world without friction. That would be something wouldn't it? I cant think of something more hated and loved at the same time more than Friction. I started thinking about this at soccer practice the other day when it was raining out. I kicked a ball on the ground with spin on it but instead of curving it spun going in a straight line sliding a crossed the wet turf. With the coefficient of friction being lower on a wet surface this caused for less friction between the ground and ball causing it



Shoot your grade corrections

So last Friday our class of 22 had the pleasure of taking part in a Projectile Lab in which we would shoot our grade. In this lab we would be trying to hit a textbook after making various calculations. Another important aspect of this lab was the fact that if we hit this book the whole class would pass and if we missed the whole class would fail. As many of you know this lab didn't go so hot, crunched for time and lack of communication lead to a complete miss. Mr. Fullerton, being the wonderful



And so it begins

I'm really looking forward to this year in physics C. I really enjoyed AP physics last year and it sounds like this year we will be adding onto content that we previously learned which will be great. However, the class so far has seemed pretty terrifying, even though we have only been at it for about 6 days, the thousands of accounts to sign up for and the mountains of work hanging over our heads(which of course has potential to do damage hahaha) makes it look like we are in for a challenging ye



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