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Static Shock!!!



So static electricity. Around my house i've been getting shocked a lot lately which made me think, why is this happening? As well as me needing to do blog posts. Well the theory is that friction between two objects rubs the electrons off a surface leaving one object positively charged and the other negatively charged. This can happen when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch something with a neutral charge like a door handle for instance or a cat!! But i thought this was interesting that the charge you gain and then the transfer of it is the shock you get which actually makes sense when you think of it.


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Hi Josh -


I wonder why there seems to be more shocks in the winter than in the summer?  I dread walking across my living room carpet to turn off the lights at night, because I have to brace for an intense shock as soon as my hand comes close to the screws in the switchplate cover!  OUCH!  

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The reason why you get shocked more in the winter is because everyone has their heaters on which draws the moisture out of the air which causes the charges to build up and cling to us more since there is less moisture in the air.

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The reason why you get shocked more in the winter is because everyone has their heaters on which draws the moisture out of the air which causes the charges to build up and cling to us more since there is less moisture in the air.

So I might want to adjust the humidifier setting on my furnace.....good to know! ;) 

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