I watched Interstellar the other day and was surprised by the amount of theoretical physics there were. One part of the movie they mentioned magnetic fields, which are real physics, but i thought it was cool that they incorporated that into the movie to show the message. Allow we can't just change magnet fields with the push of a book none the less cool idea. Now we will get into the theoretics. The astronauts in the movie didn't experience time travel but did go through a black hole that had i
So static electricity. Around my house i've been getting shocked a lot lately which made me think, why is this happening? As well as me needing to do blog posts. Well the theory is that friction between two objects rubs the electrons off a surface leaving one object positively charged and the other negatively charged. This can happen when you rub your feet on the carpet and then touch something with a neutral charge like a door handle for instance or a cat!! But i thought this was interesting t
As I was reviewing for the midterm coming up I realized that in a lot of sports momentum is very helpful. In almost all sports from lacrosse to rock climbing and cricket. For example when you're playing lacrosse you guide the ball in to your stick. By doing this you're actually reducing the force on the ball giving you a better chance at making a clean catch. The same thing happens in soccer as well. When you try stopping a pass you don't just put your foot down and have it act as a wall, you gu
I watched a video recently where he took a piece of cereal, put it in water, and then started moving it around with a magnet. Most people would say it's because there is Iron in the cereal which is attracted by the magnet. But then they started messing around with objects that weren't magnetic like plastic and paper, the results?.... They moved as well! The physics behind this is that water is Diamagnetic which means that when in the presence of a magnetic field, it creates it'sown opposite magn
As we watched the crossfit video in class basically on work and power, i realized that the guys who are relatively smaller in height are generally the guys who are the guys dead-lifting 350. The funny things is that there is a physics behind it. Being shorter gives a great advantage because they have to do less work. Work is equal to force times the displacement of that object. Since they are shorter they have less displacement which in turn leads to less amount of work needed to be done.
I was watching the mid-season finale of the show Arrow and thought about how the physics of archery work. What I learned was a lot more interesting than just aerodynamics or projectile motion. I learned about the Archer's Paradox which is when an arrow is released to the left or right of the bow and is deliberately aimed off target, it will straighten out during release and hit the target.
Due to the high acceleration the arrow begins to oscillate (vibrate), which happens to be it's natural m
While playing ultimate there are many things I have to consider before I even let go of the disc. I have to know what direction the wind is blowing that way I can tilt the disc in the right direction so I can minimize air resistance. Not to mention I have to look out for defenders on the field, pretty obvious. The way defenders are positioned will also let me know how I have to curve the disc or what throw to use to get it past them to my receiver.
Now that I'm ready to throw the disc I have
In my everyday I've realized that everything I do is physics. From walking, to sitting, to playing volleyball. Every step I take there is an equal force pushing against my foot as a push against the ground to take a step. Every time I put my bag or books on the table there is a normal force counteracting the force of gravity keeping my bag from falling through the table or the ground really.
The same applies to us. Gravity keeps us on the ground and the normal force keeps us above the ground