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Electricity and Music

Electricity and music both are connected not only through electric instruments but through our brain. In the second video it compares the brain to an orchestra and shows how even sitting down relaxed your brain is constantly moving. I also have had EEGs in order to monitor how my brain works during a seizure. Once I got to see a picture of my brain and all the electric currents going to all sorts of areas of my brain. The seizure would start in two different places in my brain then continue seem




Kinematics in regents is fairly easy and definitely helps with car crashes and measuring the different heights of things when you drop an object. equations like d= initial velocity times time + (1/2)(acceleration)(time^2) help when you drop an object with an initial velocity of zero on the earth and want to know how far it dropped assuming it landed and didn't blow up or explode or anything like that. For example if you explored some exotic planet with plants the size of skyscrapers and you want



The Physics of Skydiving

Imagine your standing on the edge of a plane ready to jump off. As you look out before you you get a little queasy and wondered if this really was a good idea. In order to stay safe you'll need a parachute but why do you need a parachute? First you start out with equal force between your normal and your gravitational force equal as you sit on the edge of the plane. Then the moment you move your foot in order to jump out of the plane the gravitational force pulls you back towards the ground. Afte



The Physics of Consciousness

First let me warn you that I'm barely scratching at the surface of consciousness and the scientists still have a lot to learn. When you search this there seems to be two theories one that consciousness is similar to computers the other that consciousness revolves around the unity of different worlds and the reality as we see it is only an illusion. If you want to see a short clip of the physics of consciousness you can watch this: This only tells part of they story and other you tube videos



Infrared Waves

Have you ever wondered what other animals see when they can see more electromagnetic waves than we can see? Well I started with this question and found that a common electromagnetic wave that other animals can see is infrared waves. There are three different types of Infrared waves, near, mid and far. In the following You Tube video Imre describes how you can take pictures of near Infrared waves using your camera. Even though it wasn't exactly what I was looking for the pictures give you an idea



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