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    Hotdog was right when she said that physics was completely nuts on the first day of physics. Physics can become overwhelming at anytime during your learning career in less than two seconds. Physics is a fine art and is shaped in many different ways. The cool thing about Physics is that it's used for practically everything; this is why physics is necessary for life! The first thing I would like to talk about are the VIR Tables. I really like VIR tables because once you get the hang of it you can calculate how much energy is running through your entire house. Another thing that is pretty interesting is that there are three different kinds of circuits, series, parallel, and mixed. All that can really help you get through this course is paying attention and asking questions. It also might help if you ask your teacher for more problems for practice. This shows dedication which is key in learning! Happy Studying!

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    In response to purple15's post on March 17:

    I had the same experience the first day/week of physics class. I had no idea what was going on and it was all new material to me. The review chapter was not so much of a review, but new learning. It also didn't help that the first week of class was self-taught because we had so many snow days! I thought I was doomed for sure, but I was proven wrong. I soon learned that physics can be applied to all aspects of life. I began to understand the concepts better by taking notes from the book and watching the videos posted by Dan Fullerton. Now physics is not something I dread, it's something that I look forward to because I am constantly learning something new.

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    The user THEREWASHOMEWORK? posted on 3 17 14 about the difficulties and frustrations of trying to plan the makings of a Rube Goldberg machine. I agree that it is very difficult to plan how things will react with one another exactly, and so it is best to make the machines with an open mind and a lot of patience. I also agree that OK GO was very creative in the making of their music video, and it's clear that their team of helpers seen at the end of the video worked very hard on the giant machine, and was very happy when the filming was over and they had succeeded. I can't say I blame them, physics can be hard sometimes, but in the end it does give you a great sense of acomplishment. :D

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    At first I didn't know what to post, but then I saw this video and thought it might be neat to share. Considering out recent work with electrostatics and circuits, as well as the STEM's work with lightbulbs, I thought this might be interesting. Enjoy!

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    blog-0430447001395113140.jpgTbh, I was not looking forward to physics at all this year. I thought it was going to be way too challenging and boring. But I actually like it....I think physics is very intersting, especially because it can be applied to basically everything. I think it is so cool to learn about and I personally love all the hands on activities we get to do in class. I'm actually really happy that I made the decision to take honors physics this year! #noregrets
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    I use to think physics was easy after watching the movie Ice Princess. But boy what I wrong! At least at first anyway. It took me awhile to understand physics because it is literally everything! Physics explains everything from why a balloon sticks to a chalkboard after you rub it in your hair, to why everything doesn't fall when you pull a table cloth from underneath it. Now that I understand that physics can do such cool things, I kind of like it! At the beginning of this chapter I thought I was going to die. I found it so hard and confusing, but now I understand it. It just took me awhile to understand the VIR charts and the circuit rules, but now that I get it, I feel confident about tomorrow's test! Go physics!

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    There's actually some cool stuff on these blogs! Velociraptor42 posted this video a while back:

    It's a really different perspective on the idea of time and human beings! go science
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    I felt the same way "hotdog" did on her first day of physics class... lost and confused.. in need of direction when learning this new language. However, I was excited to learn about the study of matter and energy. When I sat down on my first day of physics, I felt anxious and overwhelmed. SO much to learn in one semester! I'm managing the anxiety by making sure i learn the content, doing all my homework, and studying for tests but it comes back some days! For the most part I'm enjoying the class immensely. I'm a very hands-on, concrete-content person, so physics is enjoyable for me. Earlier, I got really excited because I found this erasable highlighter (who knew they existed), and the reason the highlighter gets erased is because of the friction of the eraser on the paper paper. I just found it fascinating.

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    (I do not own this video and give full rights to the creator)

    As this is my first blog post, and I have no idea what to write about, I choose something that I quite enjoyed doing. When charged with the task of building a Rube Goldberg Machine, I was more than slightly overwhelmed. Thank heavens for my best friend partnered with me, and together we made an amazing design. Quickly we realized that we would have to do most of the planning on the fly as what we planned didn't seem to be going that well. To get ideas, we watched countless videos and tried hundreds of times to get every exchange in our machine to work perfectly. This is probably the best video we watched as it had a fun and contemporary applicaiton. Thus far, this is the most fun thing we have done in my physics class and probaly one of the most informational as people learn best through experience and exploration; for my lab partner and I, we learned through much trial and error.

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    I enjoyed learning about static electricity. It was interesting to see all of the different ways static electricity is produced and transferred. I also found momentum to be a very interesting subject, seeing how fast a 10 kg box goes down a ramp, very cool!

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    When I started physics this semester, I was confused to say the least. It wasn't abnormal for me to go home and cry after school over my physics textbook; I was stressed just like the majority of students in my introductory class. Over the course of the past few months, however, it amazes me to see how far my understanding has come. Problem solving has become less daunting, and my self confidence has skyrocketed as my test grades improve. I look forward to exploring the world of physics even more as my mind continues to grow.

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    In response to hotdog's post of March 17th:

    I know exactly how you feel hotdog. My first day in Honors Physics was perhaps the most stressful hour and a half of my life, but I knew I couldn't give up on the first day. I think the reason physics is so scary is because it's different from anything else. The things I learn in physics are so far removed from any of my past or current classes it can be very intimidating. Yes, you use the same math operations you used in Algebra, but the concepts are very different from other classes. This is also the reason physics is cool. If you understand it, you understand so much about the world. You can calculate or figure out just about anything you see in everyday life. Sometimes (actually, all the time) learning physics makes my brain ache, but it's worth it. I've been in honors physics for about nine weeks and I figured out how to do well in the class...don't freak out. When you don't understand something, all you have to do is ask your teacher or look at other resources (like your text book or youtube.) Its usually not as hard as I initially think it is and when I take a deep breath and focus, I can understand it, and earn an A! Another thing that helps is to keep an open mind, think outside of the box. Physics, like I said before, is sometimes different from other classes so it might not look familiar. Don't let this scare you though, because with the right attitude and mindset, everyone can succeed in physics class!

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    Hello! Well, this is it. the first blog post. What do I write, what do I say to make the reader enjoy this blog? To stay, and want to read more? Well, who am I kidding. There's something going on if their on AP PHYSICS and looking at a blog by the author of hotdog. I don't even blame you if you choose to leave right now. But if you do, you'll miss a great story about how I felt in my very first Physics class!

    Actually, there's not much of a story. I walked in, sat down, looked at the board, and felt empty. I'm not sure if empty is the right word, maybe lost. The type of lost where you threw away the map, the guide is on his first single tour, and you're in a foreign country with no idea how to speak the language. Does that bring any image or feelings to mind? As I sat, I realized two things that day: (1) that I would either have to learn some time mangement skills, buckle down, and learn some Physics, or (2), learn how to procrastinate like there is no tomorrow (really, I'm doing yesterday's homework today!)

    Which skill do you think I chose as I write this at 1:30 in the morning?

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    blog-0799203001395027084.jpegSince grade school I have been taught that math is in everything you do. Since the beginning of this semester of taking physics, I have learned that physics is involved in every single thing. When my class learned kinematics, my thought process of things change. Now when I see an object fall or thrown I think of the math that goes into its free fall or its projectile motion. When I'm driving I also think about my velocity and acceleration in my car. Since learning physics, it has taught me a lot and has also changed my perspective on the world.
  1. On March 16, 2014, fezziksphysics referenced my post, and I was interested to know someone else's perspective on their learning style and how they understand material. I definitely agree that the VIP charts became much easier once I understood and applied what I had learned. This part of physics reminded me of math, I just needed to do the problems a couple of times to truly understand them. I also really liked how she wrote down all the formulas, also!

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    When I found out that physics involved solving many story problems, I was worried because solving story problems have always been difficult for me. In the beginning of the class, I found the story problems difficult but as the class progressed they became much easier. This video by Jesse Mason helped to show simple steps in solving any physics problem.

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    I felt so lost within my few first weeks in my physics class, but after seeing how my teacher actually shows us how to apply physics and all the math we've learned all these years, it comes so easily now! Physics will definitely help me down the road in college and possibly in my career, and I am very happy I am taking this course. It has opened my eyes to another world that I wouldn't have known existed otherwise.

  2. Since I started taking Honors Physics this term, I realized everything we do, involves physics. This seems like an easy enough concept to memorize, but it can be wierd to think about. Bailliexx13, in his/her blog "Physics in studying midterms" on 1/26/14, made me realize that physics is involved when you are even studying. He/she talks about how moving your papers around involve physics. Just think, you are apply physics as you study it! I don't see where we would be without physics. I can't imagine anything, any task, that does not involve physics. In a way, physics controls our lives.

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    When I heard the word "physics" for the first time, I had no clue what it was. I didn't know if it was just another type of science that I would be bored with. But, I slowly learned that physics is everything in the universe. You can literally figure out why things do what they do. From throwing a football all they way to electricity, physics covers it all. Physics is truely life. It practically explains the universe.

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    Physics is simple once you get the hang of it! At first the concepts are confusing, but practice makes perfect and it becomes much easier. By the time the test rolls around it's much easier. When I look back on my tests I wonder why I ever had trouble with the chapters. I am so glad I can say this now!

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    The blog "amandarocks27" on 3/8/14 posted about how her baby niece has plenty of toys that she will be able to cart around in a wagon once she's older. "amandarocks27" explained how she would figure out the amount of work her niece would have to exert on the wagon to make it move.

    The post shows how physics can be used in real life!

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    Shabba Ranks shed light on an area enduring very high cat density. As said in their post, cat density's characteristics resemble that of mass density (how much mass there is spread throughout an amount of space) and charge density (how much charge is spread throughout an amount of space), but it deals with cats. Doesn't it seem like cat videos and physics go hand in hand?

    Here is a link to the video:

    P.S. I take it that "cat enthusist" is the politically correct term for "crazy cat lady" :huh:

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    I have learned many things in physics. In the first few weeks of the class, I felt very confused. As the class went on, I learned that physics is a necessity in life. I've learned things like we never actually touch anything, we just feel it. Also, I know how to find the angle at which a football is thrown into the air. We use physics in our everyday life and need it to understand how everything in the world works. Also one of the things I found most interesting is when we learned about falling cats. Cats can twist their spine while they are falling so that they always land feet first.


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    During my first week of physics class i felt completely lost! I wanted to understand physics so badly! I love math; so I was confused as to why I was not understanding physics. We were learning kinematics and I had no idea what was happening. What's velocity? What's acceleration? These were some of the questions I was asking myself. After much practice I finally got the hang of it! Looking back at kinematics it seems so easy! Hopefully with some of the harder material I will feel the same way!

    One of my favorite experiments we did in class was watching what happens with an electroscope. An electroscope is a model that demonstrates the movement of electric charge. Check out the video I posted below to learn all about an electroscope!


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    moon77 on 3 16 14 referenced a video on how James Bond defies the laws of physics. This was a very interesting post and made me think about movies in a way that I never had before. It truly reinforces the assertion that physics is in everything. I loved how the user broke down his calculations to show his readers exactly how James Bond defies the laws of physics.

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