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Music and waves and parties

Music is cool. speaking of music, listen to this for some ambiance. Why is music so cool though? Because waves. A wave is pretty much the movement of energy. If thats so, than what is sound? Sound is a type of wave caused by a vibration. In the case of music an instrument, or ones own vocal chords, can produce vibrations which then travel through the air as waves eventually reaching your eardrum.



WORK put in WORK

Listen to this. lets talk about work. Work is not only equal to force times distance, but is also equivalent to the change in kinetic energy. For instance, if a car of mass m is traveling 10 m/s and comes to a stop in 15 m, its very easy to find the work. Work=Change in Ke=((1/2)m(10)^2)- ((1/2)m(0)^2)=50m This means that the breaks in this car must do 50m j of work to stop the car.



Cat density.

Lets talk about Cat density.... you've never hear of cat density? Think of this way: There's mass density. That's how much mass there spread out in an amount of space. Similarly, there's charge density which is how much charge is spread throughout an entire space. Cat density is no different: its the amount of cats spread throughout an area. This place has a very high cat density.



Physics of being tired.

Being tired sucks. It really sucks. Especially when you still have 4 more blog posts to write. But why does it suck so bad? Well for starters the acceleration due to gravity is always trying to keep you down. Gravity pulls your head down and even closes your eyes for you. But sometimes gravity wins. In that case, it can be determined "how much" gravity wins. When standing, Your Center of mass is not moving. While falling however, potential energy is converted to kinetic energy until



Fiber Optic Cables

As you sit reading this post, the computer you're using is hard at work. For this post i want to talk specifically about fiber optics. Though the use of Fiber optics, your computer can send and receive messages much quicker, and for a lot less money. Basically, Fiber optic cables are just long glass tubes. Your computer sends pulses of light into the glass tubes that get sent out as messages. These pulses of light hit the inside of the glass at their Critical Angle thus reflecting the



Physics of typing a blog.

As shabba sits here, thinking... its comes to his realization that there is even physics in typing a blog. Every time shabba's finger hits a key, the key hits back with an equal amount of force. But that's elementary. What about everytime shabba uses his mouse to click on the screen to open google chrome thus sending and receiving signals via fiber optic cables? typing is very physical.




For this blog i would like to discuss eating. Chewing. The average human can bite with about 150 psi, and thats a lot! Legend has it that humans are more than capable of biting off their own fingers, however even at 150 psi that may not be true. 150 psi just doesn't seem like enough to penetrate the skin and bone of a finger.



Physic of dem squirlles.

YO squirrles can run fast! 8.8888 m/s or about 20 mph. That's faster than the average 5th grader can run, meaning that if squirrels were a bit smarter, we'd have a real problem. Not to mention the fact that a squirrel can bight with about 7000 psi. A humans bight on average is about 150 psi, which means that a squirrels bight is about 50 times greater than a humans DAMN. So let this be a warning to you squirrels are FAST and sometimes it seems as though they're cute and friendly but its a trap




I used to own a half-pipe. Well, a mini-pipe rather. It was a about 1.5 meters tall. Skate baording on it is interesting because at the top of the pipe all you're energy is due to gravity. That means Etop=mgh As one rides down the half-pipe, potential energy is converted to kinetic. At the bottom Ebot=(1/2)mv^2 HOWEVER... In many sports that include a standing on board, a common method to gain speed is to PUMP. Pumping, in its simplest form, is pushing down on the board when you're goi



Weather Report.

This blog post is very important. Read this blog post. But first, Click this link to receive the full effect from this post. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7_vNpVXubA&sns=fb Now lets get started. Physics is really cool. When you boil everything down to its (Almost) simplest form, you're left with atoms and molecules. Those are the building blocks of everything in our entire universe. But consider a wall. A wall.http://www.freefever.com/wallpaper/2560x1920/textures-wallpapers-bricks-b



Circles are DOPE

I would like to take this time to adress a very important matter. Circles. So round. Lets see what we know about circles. As a particle travels in a circular path, it is always accerlerating. Even if the magnitude of the velocity of the particle remains the same. This is because velocity is a vector quanity which means that it is both dependent upon magnitude and direction. That being said, if the velocity changes at all (In magnitude or in direction) we know that it is accelerating. The




I was thinking about earth. Mother earth. MASSIVE mother earth. If you're planning to leave earth at some point, good luck! Because to leave earth you'd need enough contained energy to send you off with a velocity of 11.2 Km/s, Or 11200 m/s. In concept, fairly simple. But in reality, not so much. Unless that is... You had a MASSIVE SPRING. And i mean a spring that is unfathomably large. Lets do some math. Our end goal is to attain 11200 m/s using a spring. The amount of energy you would ne



Yoooooo Wind

Yooooooo check this out. I was chillin in my studio and i had to open a window (for circulation). As i opened it, a gust of wind hit me in the facial region. But i thought nothing of it. No one ever does. Ever. WIND is overlooked all the time even-though it occurs pretty much all the time. WIND, in its smallest components is simply a MASSIVE amount of mostly oxygen and nitrogen molecules flying around due to diffrences in atmospheric pressure. So, by feeling a gentile wind on your skin, your act



8 Gold Rings like i'm Shabba Ranks

CHECK THIS OUT It has come to my attention that a man by the name of "A$AP Ferg" has crafted a musical piece of art to help represent who i am and what i stand for. Ferg's song, Shabba, is a wonderful depiction of my everyday life; and for that reason exactly i decided to make a blog post regarding the physics of my dope style. Consider this: Ferg raps that he wears eight gold rings, four gold chains, and one gold tooth in an attempt to be like me. Lets take a closer look as this. Gol



This is how it all started.

Let me start by saying that I love most topics regarding math and science. I always have. As a kid, I grew up with the mentality that math and science were the building blocks of the natural world; and for that reason, as I grew older I saw it almost as my inevitable goal to expand what I know in said fields. In AP-C Physics I hope to accomplish part of that goal, that being to absorb all that there is to know regarding physics (and math). This year I'm excited to have the opportunity to learn,



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