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Catipult progress

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Physics~More Wave Examples

Waves they're everywhere. They're apart of our daily lives. We experience waves 24/7 whether its from sound waves, light waves, etc.! In this blog post I'm going to be discussing several examples of waves in our daily life. Light waves- The sun is the main source of light waves on earth and require no medium to get to us. Sound Waves- These waves require a medium to get to us. For example if you put a bell in a vacuum sealed, air tight case and hit it then you wouldn't be able to hear t



Sound Waves from my dog

Sound waves are everywhere. They're heard in the car, on a plane, and even in our back yard. This is especially relevant when it comes to my dog, a 175 lb(and still growing) Irish Wolfhound. The dog's name is Maximus, Max for short. Max is a loud and obnoxious dog at times. He is constantly barking at everyone and everything. His bark is loud and deep, so he usually wakes the cat, me, and my family up at night. Whether I like it or not he likes to transmit a sound wave that is loud. His




Recently over our Spring break, I encountered a shocking event of physics. I was having a poker night with my friends. Most of us were just sitting down relaxing and out of no where my friend throws his hand on the table, gets up and goes in the other room and we hear a thump... I immediately got out of my seat and made my way into the kitchen to discover that my good friend loved to use physics in his everyday life! He decided because he was losing and had a bad hand that he would take h




Resistance is the ability to not be affected by something. In this case we are talking about circuits, and we are resisting the current provided by the battery. Resistance in a circuit can be anything. This could include a lamp, an appliance, or just about anything that needs power. Resistance is even in the ammeter, although it is incredibly small, and in the voltmeter, which has a huge resistance to not affect the flow of current. Resistance is vital to a circuit because if there is no resi



The physics of your Cellphone

Every one has a cellphone. Almost everyone has their cellphone on them at this exact moment. This means everyone has an electric circuit on them. Your cellphone when not in use has about 50-60 volts of power flowing through it. These electrical circuits are everywhere. Your house has countless amounts of circuits in it as well. From your outlets to your hair dryers to video games we use circuits constantly. This would include series, parallel, and even a combination of the two. It's astonish



Calculus In Physics?

I recently had a realization in physics, that it actually applies to outside in the real world in a lot more ways then I thought! I was recently doing test work for my first year physics class. I was having some trouble with distance vs. time graphs, velocity vs. time graphs, and and acceleration vs. time graphs. I have a much higher understanding for math than physics in my life right now so any relation I can make from physics to math is incredibly helpful. I have recently connected the



The physics of physics class?

Physics class is something of astonishment. It's a class where as you're being taught the material you can see the effects working directly in front of you. Don't believe me, well look for yourself! The physics room is full of physics itself. Take a student for example. A student is sitting in a chair, what are the forces? Well there's gravity acting upon him and everyone else pushing him and us towards the earth. Luckily that's not the only force or we'd be squished like a bug. There's a



The physics of Tennis

I was playing tennis the other day when I smashed a shot into my partners chest. After almost falling over from laughing so hard I stopped and thought about the physics of what just happened. I realized that if I recreated the events timed it, measured the distance, I could determine how long the ball was in the air using my kinematic equations! I'm sure the data will be a little off but the ball followed a parabolic arc and immediately stopped when coming in contact with my friends face...(



Catapult Project?

Catapults are one of the deadliest war machines ever created...and we got to create one in our local high school physics class! This year(and maybe the last) Irondequoit High School physics students formed up in groups of three to make catapults to launch softballs. My team and I worked diligently to create our own little war machine. We spent $98.68 and at least 10 hours of hard work on our machine. Regardless to say after building this beast, called the "Eviscerator", we tested it an



Only a Quarter in...

I am currently a student at Irondequoit High School taking an introductory physics course. I have been working hard in the class for a quarter of the school year and I'm amazed at what I've seen. Physics to me is so astonishing. It is amazing that some dinky little math calculations can be translated to the real world to account for how things work(Not saying physics is all easy math, because its not). I love the ideas presented in class and everything about it. I love learning how to cal



Catapult Plans

Recently my team and I, Dennis, Alex, and Joey(me), are going to be working on the catapult this weekend. We already have the picture drawn and have a great plan in place. We are trying to use 80 lb weights to launch the projectile at least 100 yards. That's the goal anyways. We will be back to post final results and maybe our early plans.



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