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About JessByrnes717

  • Birthday December 7

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  1. I just hit a parked car (I did not do a hit and run i waited and hour for the people to come to there car) I was trying to pull around a bend into a front row spot i thought i cleared the car that was next to mine. Unfortunately, my depth perception was wayyyyy of! Because i drive a big truck it was hard to judge the distance between my car and the tiny little car that i hit. I then hit the car and the energy from my car was transferred from my car to the tiny car. The tiny car then moved after my car hit it and stopped. Then i went into reverse and pulled into the spot to asses the damage that was done. I look at the little car. The dent on its bumper was as deep as a giant cereal bowl. Like you could eat 2 servings of your lucky charms out of it. After the panic was gone i realized how much physics was involved in stupid mistake. Anyways, I then thought oh god i can't even imagine what my car looks like! I then walk to the front corner of my front bumper to see the damage. My ol trusty rusty only had a scratch on it no dent at all. I thought how could this be then I realized that the Force i applied on the tiny car must have been so much because my car was so much bigger. Fnet= Ma. So I was taking a corner at a speed/velocity of 4 m/s.The mass of my car is 2143.22 kg. and I was accelerating at a speed of about 4 m/s squared. therefore the force applied to little car 8,572.88 newtons. Then i though about how my car made the little car move! Bucky must have had to put forth a lot of work. Bucky is the name of my car. Work, W=fd. The displacement from where my car was and by the time i hit the tiny car was probably about 1 meter. So the work exerted by Bucky 8,572.88. N Thats a lot of work! poor Buck! SO the morel of the story is never go for the front row spot! Park out in east jesus because trust me the walk will be much better than exchange insurance info with a pissed off lady.
  2. Some people say that my dog is over weight. But she isn't it is just her body type because she is a chiwawa beagle mix! Anyways my dog Lucy has the acceleration of a lawn mower, a squirl with 3 legs could probably out run her. I believe that gravity is what is weighing down on Lucy not the extra cookies. The force of gravity weighing down on Lucy is roughly 10 newtons (Dan Duguay told me). Gravity is not Lucy's friend. Her little legs have a hard time moving on there own. The photo attached is a very slimming photo of Lucy!
  3. I like to make connections when i learn something because it helps me remember! when we were learning about sonar in class i automatically thought of bats. I went home and ask my dad about bats and their sonar. Bats are nocturnal animals this means that they are awake at night and sleep during the day. Because they hunt at night they need to use a sonar to find there prey. Bats use their echolocation which is a navigation sonar like system so they know when to drive down and catch their prey! Bats send out sound waves and noises the bats can determine where the bugs are in the air because the sounds waves bounce of the bugs back to the bat. This is how the echolocation works. when the bats prey breath they cause vibrations in the air. These vibrations caused fluctuations in the air, which form a sound wave. A sound wave is just a moving pattern of fluctuations in air pressure. The changing air pressure pushes surrounding air particles out and then pulls them back in. Bats also have amazing hearing so this change in the air. Even tho bats are blind their echolocation helps them see and get around at night very well.
  4. I fall a lot too Annie hahahah
  5. First off a wave is the disturbance that transfers energy from place to place. The crest is the highest point on a transverse wave. The trough is the lowest point of the wave. The Compressions are the parts of the longitudinal wave that are closest together. Rarefactions are the parts of the wave that are closest together. Amplitude is the maximum distance from the rest position that the medium moves in a wave. The wavelength is the distance between two parts of a wave. The interference is when one wave hits another wave their amplitudes combine and make a new wave. A medium is the material a mechanical waves moves through. A vacuum is totally empty space.
  6. Frequency of a wave is the number of times something happens divided by the time it takes. A frequency is messured in hertz one hertz is equal to one wave per second. a frequency is also found by taking 1 over the period a period is the time needed for one complete cycle of vibration to pass a given point. As the frequency of a wave increases, the period of the wave decreases. The Period equals the Total time divided by the Number of cycles. An example of a period is The period of orbit for the Earth around the Sun is approximately 365 days; it takes 365 days for the Earth to complete a cycle. FUN FACT! The period for the minute hand on a clock is 3600 second, it takes the minute hand 3600 seconds to complete one cycle around the clock.
  7. Waves are everywhere sound, water and even stadium waves. My favorite type of wave however is a transverse wave. These waves are very interesting. In transverse waves the displacement of the medium is perpendicular. Perpendicular waves intersect and create a right angle. An example of a transverse wave is a ripple in a pond. Transverse waves can occur through a liquid on a string an even throughout a solid. Another type of transverse wave is light! Light contains transverse waves where the electromagnetic vibrations are at 90º to the direction of travel. The pace of a wave can be determined using its wavelength and frequency. The frequency can be found in many wave stay tuned for my next blog post to learn more about frequency!
  8. who new listening to music could be so complicated!
  9. wow Dj this was really clever! every time i right a blog post i will know i am doing physics.
  10. A Resistance is the degree to which a substance or device opposes the passage of an electric current, causing energy dissipation. Ohm's law resistance is equal to the voltage divided by the current. a resistor or other circuit component that opposes the passage of an electric current. Resistance is measured in Ohm's. Resistance is equal to the V (voltage) over I (current) R=V/I. Voltage is Measured in Volts and I the current is measured in amps. Resistance also equals (resistivity)(Length)/ Pie(radius) Squared. or R=pL/pier^2. Resistance also equals power divided by Current squared or R=P/I^2. In a series circuit equilibrium resistance all adds up. in a parallel circuit it is 1/Req=1/R+ 1/R. you can find out more about this information on your reference table .
  11. gee Katie glad i could help:)
  12. After taking the practice midterm I realized i need to know my conventions with the metric system. My dad is very good at these things so he helped me out. 100 millimeter is a centimeter 100 centimeters is a meter 100 meters is a kilometer 30.5 centimeters in a foot 1 meter is 3.2 feet 1 yard is just about 1 meter 1 mile is about 1.6 kilometer 1 football field is 100 yards 1 football field is 91.5 meters 12 inches is 1 foot 3 feet is a yard 36 inches is a yard about 30 cm in 1 foot this information will help me with my midterm. I will study it and it will help.
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