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Late night in Kauai

It's like 10:30 at night and I am so tired and don't want to do this. But since I only have one left (I think) and it's very trivial if I want to pass, I will do it. The only problem is, I don't know what to write about. I could write about how we were wearing power rangers t-shirts. You wore one but so did I, a different color. And so was Moey, and his brother. I have already talked about everything that I do. All I ever do is play hockey and video games because I'm lame, so lets see what else



Physics of GTA (cont.)

If you couldn't tell by now, I really like to talk about the force of gravity (9.81 m/s^2). Well in GTAV it becomes very relevant because there is a cheatcode called 'skydive' and this cheatcode is exactly how it sounds. Unlike Hannah, I actually have been skydiving; just not in real life. When you activate the cheat code you are put into a loading screen and launched like 100 miles in the air (160934 meters). When you start playing your velocity is already very high, but if you were to find tha



Physics of GTA

There's a franchise of games called Grand Theft Auto and they're currently on the 7th installment of the game, called Grand Theft Auto V (5). GTAV is only 5 and not 7 because they made Vice City and San Andreas. In this series of games there are premade cheat codes that grant you all sorts of powers and what not. In Grand Theft Auto San Andreas there is a cheat code for a jetpack and for that time it was incredible to see and use. (in case you were wondering the cheat code for Xbox original is L



Physics of hockey

There's nothing better than popping one in over the shoulder of the bum goalie top shelf right where momma hides the cookies. When playing hockey it's a lot of moving and hitting the puck (or ball if you're flee like my boys) and forces are applied everywhere. On ice there's a lot of physics involved, a lot more than in a parking lot. When lining up a mean slapper you have to time it properly if she's a nice one timer. When your boy Brad Richards is applying all sorts of forces to set you up,



Physics of snowboarding, dud

hen im on the mou, (short for mountains) there's nothing better than whippin the gnar gnar dud. Snowboarding is all about gravity. When i'm glazing through the fresh powd i'm always accelerating at 9.81 m/s^2. (tbh that's all the physics i know hold on let me try to finish this.) All of the times that i've been snoarding (short for snowboarding, you wouldn't know) I would rather go on the steepest slope. But will I accelerate faster on the steep slope or the bunny (bobby) slope? Lol if you t



Physics of Yung Chewy (Cont.)

Chewy often likes to play tug-of-war but this game is a 2 part activity. After I get the rope from his mouth (because I can apply so much force due to my huge arms) I then have to throw the rope or else Chewy yells at me. In this case, I have to apply force to the rope and it then becomes a projectile. Say I threw the rope very lightly but due to my ginormous arms it reaches a speed of 342 m/s (bad throw for me) and it goes a measly 500 meters (again, bad throw), I would be able to calculate ho



Physics of Yung Chewy

As seen in my previous blog post, I have a dog named [Yung] Chewy and he is a very energetic dog, full of physics. Chewy does a lot of running around and jumping and these are plenty of examples of physics in my own home. When playing with chewy, he often wants to play a combination of tug-of-war, and fetch. As we demonstrated in one of our past lab with applied forces on a rope, with Chewy we often reenact the same idea. Because of Newton's third law, it states that if a force is applied it



My Dusty Story (Cont.)

After fracturing my ankle a week ago (week ago) on Halloween I have found that moving around is very difficult. If I'm not walking on my foot, which I shouldn't be doing, I'm hopping around wherever I need to go. My mom helps me out with a lot of travelling though. She doesn't carry me around the house or anything, (that's Yung Chewy's job) but she helps me get to school. She is able to get to my stop which is 3.2 miles away (5.15 km) in around ten minutes which has to be some type of physics, r



My Dusty Story

Friday, the day of Halloween I figured I would have a normal day. Have an easy day at school, then have Halloween fun after school. Well I found myself fighting a bear on Halloween instead. It was a tough fight but I managed to defeat the bear and skin it's bear fur and sell it for a profit. While carrying the bear hide I tripped and fell on a small rock and fractured my ankle. Just kidding, I didn't fracture my ankle after the fight, that was later. 3rd period, around 10 o'clock is when the act



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