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The Physics of a parafuso

This is by far one of my favorite tricks to do along with butterfly kick and butterfly twists, (they link up really easily) but a parafuso actually shows how well the human body takes linear momentum and converts it to angular momentum but adding the upward force. The ginga (pronounced like jinga) is the building and wind up guard of this martial art. it has the leg back on one side and the arm back on the other. This basically gives range of motion to throw parts of the body into motion with m

My "helmet"

In the classroom and around school I know that you mostly know me for my fedora, but on the karate floor i cant wear a hat so, I'm kinda stuck with these curls. Hilariously enough, sensei zak was joking about how my head always comes close to the ground on arials in front of the white belt class, then remarked "no, he just has a helmet for hair." I actually wanted to see that if my head and curls really were springs, what would the spring constant have to be on on giant spring to bounce me back,

physics surfing

Okay, so in the quest for knowledge of physics i have come up with the worst sport of all time, physics surfing, clicking on physics in stumbleupon and trying to reach the end, gathering as much info as possible. This will never catch on though. So i decided to make a post about the physics OF surfing instead the Physics of surfing is actually kind of cool, relying on fluid resistance (much like that of air resistance) going upward in the circular motion of the wave (or arc motion of the wav

physics surfing

Okay, so in the quest for knowledge of physics i have come up with the worst sport of all time, physics surfing, clicking on physics in stumbleupon and trying to reach the end, gathering as much info as possible. This will never catch on though. So i decided to make a post about the physics OF surfing instead the Physics of surfing is actually kind of cool, relying on fluid resistance (much like that of air resistance) going upward in the circular motion of the wave (or arc motion of the wav


Okay, so today i was skateboarding, thinking about blog posts, but also thinking about all the forces and such that go into just doing a few tricks. Such as the kickflip, where the board spins on the lengthwise axis (for those of you not skateboarding people). It needs the physics of the ollie, which is downward force on the tail, force upwards because of the fulcrum of one of the axles, and forward momentum from pushing with the front foot, for an inertial fulcrum that rotates the board up into

What I've learned from kerbal space program. TOP 5

Okay, so for the last few months in physics we've worked on the kerbal space program, and although my group didn't really accomplish much, i kinda just wanted to finalize a few things that i learned. So there is my top 5 1) Kerbals are easily startled. meaning, these kerbals are astronauts that should have been previously trained and have experienced the forces existing in a spacecraft or spaceplane in the game. clearly this was bypassed as much as the safety measures on my rockets 2) Orb

Quickie off topic post

Okay, so recently i realized that there is actually physics applied to the way a string orchestra is organized. (minus the woodwinds in there its exactly what im used to) The larger instuments such as cellos and double bass take longer to speak because of the distance between the back of the instrument where thr sound peg produces resonence and the front of the instrument to where it speaks is greater. Therefore they need to be closer to the audience and more on top of the beat than the smaller



Hilarious quote (parkour 2.5)

This one is a more general physics post, but has some applications to parkour. A funny quote that i cant seem to find the source of "speed never killed anyone, its coming to a sudden stop. thats what gets you." thats actually a true statement, because so long as the speed is maintained or gently slowed the risk of injury is very low, but when speed is instantly accelerated to a stop, the impulse of the situation grows (the change in momentum over time increases.) This applies to parkour bec



Physics of Parkour 2

As with the last one, this post focuses on the disspation of momentum in parkour, but this time, a little but simpler. This one focusses on the move called a dive roll. the move is essential because not only does it dissapate a lot of momentum over a short distance, AND have the abaility to cover large distances but it also allows one to land from a flip that has overspin beyond 90 (preferable beyond 135) degrees. A dive roll is basically a jump into a half flip in which the person lands



The Physics of Parkour (1)

Okay, had a lightbulb moment that not many people have gone into the physics of some gymnastics moves and the physics of parkour in general. Hopefully you all know what parkour of freerunning is. Its a hobby and sport in which one tries to get from point A to point B (which can be anywhere from a couple of feet away to a half mile cityscape obstacle course) in the most creative way possible. This can include jumping over buildings, railings benches, or using them to one,'s advantage and finding



rainbows in clouds

This is a rare light phenomenon called a 'circumhorizontal arc' which in better terms is a rainbow in the clouds. It occurs when light is refracted and then split into the full spectrum just like that when moisture creates a rainbow after it rains. The slight differentiation in the wavelengths of red to purple light create a different diffration angle for each type of light, thus, the white light seperates into its visible parts: a rainbow. The clouds though, must be very high i



first quarter in review

Now that the first quarter is coming to a close, i would just like to take a physics and calc review (because most of the class is in calc-bc too, and for those of you who aren't *cough kaila cough* well, your loss. -In physics we did our first formal lab report which turned out to be a lot easier than expected. -We also built catapults, which in review was great and i'm glad that some of them didn't snap the arms from tension. -The Unit that we are currently in- Momentum and Impulse, is our



XKCD win

Okay, for any of you nerds or science lovers out over there (im on a blog about physics, there better e at least one of you besides me and my sister) you've probably heard about XKCD. FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT DONT KNOW: its the smartest joke site on the net, everything from politics, to math, to physics, to psychology, jokes abound, i HIGHLY suggest you check it out.: http://www.xkcd.com anywho, i found this one comic about the purity of the sciences and how there isnt just psychology, biolo



10th dimension, or 10 dimensions.

another theoretical mind boggling post, if you want to skip my blabbering please watch the video, its fun to watch every single time: okay, so in string theory, the strings cannot exist unless there are 10 dimensions. some believe that these dimensions are micro-dimensions, lying within the smallest depths of the space-time platform described by Einstein. One of the better descriptions of this is in a Ted talk about string theory, (im not going to post it, its 20 minutes and the guy takes forev



Finite universes with infinite distance

Okay, so stumbleupon is the main reason for many of my blog posts as it contains random interesting facts about physics. A mainly accepted theory about are universe is that it is ever expanding and that there are no ends to the space that space is. But another theory is that we live within a finite universe (of which the expanding material is filling slowly) the has no edge. But how can a universe have no edge and still be finite? The method behind this lies in explanations starting from the fi



Cellos and Physics

Okay, so one of last years main subjects (as well as this years) is simple harmonic motion, but thats only a piece of how string instruments and music are created. I personally love the example of cellos (for those of you non string instrument fancy people, giant sit-down violin) since their larger it is much easier to visualize. But what happens is we put rosin (solidified tree sap) on our bows, then pull the bow across the string. By pulling the bow across the string, we make the string act in



Watching light move

Okay, so, i was using the great and vast world of stumbleupon the other day when i came across this video: [/HTML] they made a camera that takes video so quickly that it can show light moving and the exact actions of light. Its pretty insane. For all of you MIT applicants: this is what you live in the shadow of. the original article is here: www.designboom.com/weblog/cat/16/view/23067/mit-researchers-develop-one-trillion-frame-per-second-camera.html/ there are more videos about th



Karate and physics

Okay, working at a karate school i get huge rants from my boss (and teacher) about how to explain to the kids why we set our hands after we block. From a "tell a kid so it makes enough sense to do it" standpoint we say "because the block is finished and the person can't hit you anymore" from a physics standpoint (and how i taught the teen adult class). The blocking motion in front of your body pivots your pelvis and upper body alone your spine. This is just like a sideways teeter-totter from pre



Physics of Skateboarding

Okay, so before the hurricane I wan skateboarding and I wondered how I stayed on the board when going through faster and sharper turns. Turns out that there are two sets of forces involved, that of the skateboard on my feet and that of the skateboard to the ground. When you turn on a skateboard, you need to bank both the board and the body to increase the centripetal acceleration (thus centripital force) of me against the board. But banking too much would lead to too much horizontal force agai



"first" post

Hai there everybody! Its me again! I know I took up the legit 'first' post with my ding moment, but this is the "first" post for the assignment xD. I fell in love with physics in the beginning of last year in AP-B so i thought AP-C would be my next step as it is my prospective and currently top possible major. I'm taking some ungodly number of APs which is bound to drop by second quarter but I'm 100% this class wont go . AP-C for me is an outlook into one of the branches of physics through an en



'Ding' with vectors.

On friday, we talked about the dot products of vectors. Overall, most of the class wondered why we needed to divide by the vector length (at this time, radical 80) in order to find B-hat. The explanation was in order to make the vector equal to one of its own unit, but having been used to standardized units I and many others still sat there dazed and confused. BUT! once I thought it over, I realized we were just converting the "unit-1's" that the vectors were in into our own unit dictated by the



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