female surfing

Waves and Sound

Waves transfer energy through matter or space, and are found everywhere: sound waves, light waves, microwaves, radio waves, water waves, earthquake waves, slinky waves, x-rays, and on and on. Developing an understanding of waves will allow you to understand how energy is transferred in the universe, and will eventually lead to a better understanding of matter and energy itself!



  1. Define a pulse and a wave.
  2. Distinguish between mechanical and electromagnetic waves.
  3. Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal waves.
  4. Identify crests, troughs, amplitude, wavelength, frequency, period, and phase differences of waves.
  5. Identify areas of compression and rarefaction in a longitudinal wave.
  6. Understand the relationship between wave velocity, frequency, and wavelength.
  7. Understand the nature of sound waves.
  8. Explain how resonance occurs.
  9. Apply the principle of superposition to the phenomenon of interference.
  10. Describe the formation of standing waves.
  11. Apply the Doppler effect qualitatively to problems involving moving sources or moving observers.

Topics of Study

  1. Wave Characteristics
  2. The Wave Equation
  3. Sound
  4. Wave Interference
  5. The Doppler Effect


Video Tutorials

  1. Wave Basics
  2. Wave Characteristics
  3. The Wave Equation
  4. Sound Waves
  5. Resonance
  6. Wave Interference
  7. Standing Waves
  8. Doppler Effect