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My favorite physics lesson

So far this year, I have to say my favorite lesson this year is went we were working with the machine that shocked us when we touched it. I thought this was enjoyable becaue it was very funny to watch people get shocked when they went to touch or even kiss the Van de Graff Generator. I think the created a very enjoyable setting to learn about how proton, and electrons interact between each other, and what pain they an create when they or not ground. I personally tried touchig the machine and I q



Annie's Tumble

Lacrosse is a very physical and rough sport. People are always getting checked, pushed and tripped. I myself have taken many falls throughout the years I have been playing lacrosse, but Annie B takes harder falls then I ever have! One of Annie's most famous falls is when she was running very very fast and then from behind a girl cross checked her in the back and then... SMACK Annie's face smacked down on the ground. But as always Annie's stood up with a smile on her face and laughing. But, Annie



Hannah's Voice of an Angel

For those you that don't know, Hannah O'Neil has an amazing singing voice. Before every home game, she sings the national anthem, and it makes me so happy and gets me ready to play. Because of sounds waves, I am lucky enough to hear her. Sound waves are mechanical waves that are detected by the hairs in our inner ears. Sound waves can travel through air, water, steel and wood. But I like when Hannah is standing directly near me singing to me. However, if I am not lucky enough to have her standin



My Circuit Workout

We have recently studied the concept of circuits. there are parallel and series cicuits. In the parallel circuit in one of the circuts breaks then the circuit continues to work fully. However, in a series circuit, if one part of the circuit breaks the whole things stops. Well, in the beginning of march we had our morning sessions for lacrosse. Some days we would do circuit workouts. We had 6 different stations and with in our groups we had to all do the different work outs together and try to mo



My Venezian Wave

Over Spring Break I was fortunate enough to cross the Atlantic Ocean and travel through out Italy. For the last few days we spent our itme in Venice. If you do not know, Venice is a cluter of islands and is then called a region of Italy. Aside from its beauty and uniqueness, there is a lot of physics in the water surrouding the islands. The days we had to travel off of the smaller islands we had to take a boat to one of the larger islands. Now I can barely stand riding shotgun in a car on the r



There's some potential here

My friend Jamel and I were hanging out one day so we decided to go on a walk. We walked alll around town trying to find something fun to do. So we found this really high stair case with a plat form at the top. So we climbed up the super high structure and stood at the top. We climbed 15m and boy were we tired, however while we stood there to catch our breath, i realized we could figure out the amount of gravitational potential energy we each had. But i easily could calculate it. Well, the equati



I Work Out

Well one night I thought it was a great idea to go to the gym and lift some weights. Well i was wrong, becasue the next day, i could not lift my arms, and if i tired i almost cried in pain. Well, i started to think about it and there was a lot of work done while i was lifting those weights. I picked up my 3.6 kg dumbells and started to lift them above my head .46m. I did 3 sets of 12 and that was enough for me. But, i can calculate the amount of work done for one rep. Well, W=Fd and the force= m



How I Hurt My Head

It was a great tuesday night for some high school girls basketball. Irondequoit hosted the Hilton Cadets and it was a huge game. It was very physical and very close in score. However, the back of my head took the worst blow of the night. One of the girls just absolutely laid me out and well.... i landed on my head. Although i was in a lot of pain, I can look back now and see just all of the physics that this girl did to me. Well she had a lot of momentum which when she made contact with me, I co



Hunting Season

Well hunting season just ended and for people like my dad this is a very sad time. However, my dad loves to go bow hunting and wanted to teach my a few things while shooting at a target. It was pretty cool to see how the bow helped the arrow most so fast in the air and hit the foam target with so much force. And I thought about all of the physics that connects to this. Well i look mostly at the interaction between the arrow hitting the target. The arrow starts at rest and after it is released mo



The Screming Eagle

All of my memories go back to this summer when I went to Seabreeze wiht some friends. We were sp excited for only one ride, THE SCREAMING EAGLE. Its the ride that turns you up side down and make your stomach hurt after only the first turn. The worst is when you chage direction and for that moment you stop upside down and yo uthink for sure you are stuck. But other then this being a terrifying ride that makes me almost burst into tears, it connects to physics. Its design and funtion allows it to



How to catch some Z's

Sleeping is one of the most important things in life to survive. With out sleep, the body is not able to function properly throught out daily activites. I love to sleep, and sometimes I wish I never had to wake up. One might ask how that exactly connects to physics, well, I can say it connects to Newtons Laws. More specifically Newton's first law of motion, which is often stated as; n object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same directi



How to explain yourself...

This blog post is strictly through observation, not experience. Most high schoolers have this fascination with fights. When it happens it is the big talk for the day. It is purely entertainment. But what most students down know is that physics is what really happens during a fight. The fist applies a force on the face, the person who got hit in the face will have some bruising and stiffness. But what happens to the fist, well the next day that is sore, swollen and sometimes even broken if they s



Physics in my life

I've been playing lacrosse since I was 7 years old. To me it was always just a fun game which you throw a ball around in the air and try to out score your opponent. But after starting physics this year, I have realized the game of lacrosse is all physics. The main topic I have noticed it projectiles. There are horizontal and vertical projectiles. when I throw a long pass down the filed to my teammate, the ball take a parabolic path across the field. It is cool because I can take my knowledge of



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