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Physics of Surviving E&M

So, I am aware that you guys have been doing E&M for a while, so while this is a little late, it should still help. Now, I know that not everyone likes E&M (just ask Mr. Fullerton how much I liked it ). Well, I too am taking E&M (for the third time), and I have finally cracked the code for success (took me long enough). Now I, the girl who cannot do the right-hand rule (still), is not only understanding E&M, but solving it CORRECTLY. How you ask? Well, here are some tips: 1.



The Physics of Learning About Vectors

I'M BAACCCKKKKK!!!! As stated in my last entry, though it be several months ago, college wont stop me from blog posting. And with my new found wisdom of college life, I thought I should give some advice to the new prisoners, I mean physics C students. The first thing you learn in physics c is vectors, along with the dot and cross product. LEARN, MEMORIZE, MASTER, REPEAT. Not only will they continue to pop up throughout the year in physics, they will continue to pop up in college. I was one of t



The Physics of Senior Year

So senior year has finally come to an end and we all are saying goodbye. So I thought I would discuss the physics of senior year. The year has had so much physics enwrapped in it, in and outside the classroom. We got to use physics in physics c (duh), calculus, and technology for those who take these classes. With a basic understanding of physics, these classes became easier to learn and master. Outside the classroom, physics was used by every athlete in the school in some shape or form from la



The Physics of Life

As my second to last blog post ever (for a grade, you can't get rid of me that easy!!!), I thought I should simply talk about how physics is in everything we do. so Here are some summer activity examples most people would not think of: Playing on the playground (teeter totter, slides, swings, etc) Computers/ video games Cell Phones Flying a kite Water gun wars Swimming Driving Packaging for college (Force required to pull/carry it, increasing mass) Baking/ throwing cupcakes Sports (Base



The Physics of My Dog, Pearl

So my dog just growled and I thought I should do a blog post on her since I cannot think of any ideas. I was just playing fetch with Pearl in my house, which has hard wood floor (the real kind). Pearl ran on the area carpet onto the hardwood, but when she tried to stop, she ended up skidding past the ball into the fireplace (its just a hole in the wall made of brick so she was unharmed). So here's the play-by-play: When Pearl was running on the carpet, she was able to get enough contraction



The Physics of Roof Trusses II

Ok, I think everyone knows that sequels are rarely as good as the original, but I think The Physics of Roof Trusses II is way better than the first, but that's mostly because I thought that this roof truss was way cooler. So the very last thing I did in my independent study was build a scissor roof truss. The reason why I like this one so much is because of the awesome shape, even if the angles were butts. Anyways, it usually spans up to 20 meters or 65.51 feet and is most commonly found in cat



The Physics of Seasteading

Next year I will be going to college for civil engineering and I can't wait. One of the people in my physics class is always asking me if I'm going to build an Atlantis. Ever since, I have been interested in the idea of building a floating city on water, called seasteading, which is what Atlantis was before it sank supposedly. Current engineers are looking into the idea, using a similar set up as oil rigs, which are held up on platforms that go down to the bottom. The issue is the cost and the p



The Physics of Kicking a Cat

As most people know, I can't stand cats, and constantly joke about kicking them. So, I thought it would be appropriate if I did a blog post on it!! I am by far not athletic, so top speed I could probably kick a soccer ball at 15 m/s or 33.354 mi/hr (This is the average low for kids 11-17 ). I also don't kick at much of an angle, but for this we'll say 20 degrees. So here's the math: y- component: height: ? acceleration: 9.8 velocity initial: 15sin20= 5.13 velocity final: 0 time:? v



The Physics of Dancing in High Heels

So Friday night was Senior ball!!!! I hope everyone had lots of fun. I sure did, and like many of the girls, came in high heels. However, I tried my best to stay in them for as long as possible, dancing in a knee-length dress in 3-inch heels. It's a lot harder than it sounds. When you wear high heels, the center of body mass vertically shifts upward. Because of this shift, your posture becomes unstable, and increasingly so as the height of the heel increases and with increased amounts of movemen



Physics of AP Physics C

Ok, I'm going to be honest... I am waiting for my hair to dry before I go to bed, and I have nothing better to do than to do a blog post. This might take a while. Well, in the meantime, since this was the last day of real physics c, I decided to say the top ten tings I have learned from taking this course (fyi, they are in no specific order, only in the order they pop into my wet head) 1. Rotational kinematics/energy/momentum/ everything is without a doubt the coolest subject in the course.



The Physics of Sleeping

I must have a thing for thinking about blog posts in the middle of the night. So last night I woke up at 3:00 am because of my sore throat, which makes it extremely painful to swallow, cough, yawn, etc. So, as I lied in bed unable to fall asleep, I thought about the mythbusters episode I watched about making someone wet the bed by sticking their hand in water. But what stuck out to me was that they used the frequency of the brain waves to determine how deeply asleep Adam and Jamie were. As y



The Physics of Textbook Reading

Ok so I think it's fair to say that no one wants to read a textbook, especially a physics one. Me personally, the words just kinda go in one ear and out the other. So here's my tip on how to read the textbook: Don't read the textbook. A lot of you are probably thinking, "YES! I've been doing that all year!" Well, there's more too it. Mr Fullerton is right when he says the textbook can be very helpful, but the way I "read" the textbook is by doing the problems. Obviously you can't just open the



The Physics of Schrodinger's Cat: Cartoon Style

Its after midnight and I'm tired. So here are some cartoons about Schrodinger's Cat, which I have been thinking about a lot lately for some reason... [ATTACH=CONFIG]651[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]653[/ATTACH] Cartoon #1: "We may, or may not, have cloned Schrodinger's cat" Cartoon @2: "Being simultaneously dead and alive in the box gave me an incredible perspective over the "life, the universe, and everything". And I am here to tell it to the world!"



The Physics of the Perfect Engineering Field

After talking so much about my favorite engineering field, I decided to create a QUIZ to find your perfect field of engineering. A nerdy-version of a personality quiz. WIN. By the way, please post your results, I am curious to know how accurate my quiz is. 1. Other than physics, what is your favorite subject? a. Biology b. Chemistry c. Technology d. Math/ Calculus 2. What do you like to do in your free time? a. Logic puzzles b. Tinker



The Physics of Teaching Penny Physics

Ok, so I totally got this blog idea from denverbroncos, though after thinking about it the two reseaches are not the same like I thought (my bad). Anyways I decided to do this anyways because its uber-physicsy and funny. Basically, Penny wants to learn what Leonard does for a living, and Sheldon's teaching her. This is gonna be interesting...



The Physics of Not Saving because you are tired enough not to for a really long blog

Oh my gosh I am crying on the inside. I was creating a really awesome blog post that everyone would love and I went to backspace a letter and it returned to the home blog page. I lost everything. So I am going to explain why when you are tired you do stupid things such as not save. According to scientists, during sleep your brain sorts through and stores information, replaces chemicals, and solves problem from the day. When you are tired, it's your body's way of saying, "AAAHHHH me tired." Ju



The Physics of Civil Engineering

As many people know I plan to go to college for civil engineering. Whenever I tell people this, they always ask me what exactly civil engineering is. So, to kill two birds with one stone, I'm going to explain via blog post! So basically, to put it in simplest terms, civil engineering is the physics of structures.... sort of. Civil engineering, like engineering in general, has many many many different sections within it. For example, there's structural, geotechnical, materials, construction, t



THe Physics of Blog Posts (Part II)

Ok, I gotta admit, that last blog post stunk like my dog's farts. In fact, other than the physics of faradays cage, they all have been pretty bad. Well, I am going to tell you what the best and the worst have in the blog posts. The best: Humor is a good thing. Physics at times can be rather boring, and if you couple it with some humor, it can be more entertaining for the viewers. Have it on an interesting topic. Let's face it, a bad topic is a bad blog. Connect to the "real world." Dont jus



The Physics of Blog Posts (Part I)

I have been waiting to do this blog post for a long time, and I am excited to do this. I dont know about anyone else, but I like to keep track of my highest viewing blog posts and try to get the most as possible. After (semi) extensive research, I am ready to share my findings with you!!!! So, to start off, blog post views increases the same way as the learning curve, slow at first, then increases a a faster rate until the acclereation begins to slow down until it plateaus. However, the differe



The Physics of Memorizing Magnetism Equations

Wow. That title is a mouthful. Kinda like the equations in this unit because THERE ARE SOOO MANY. So I am going to help everyone (and myself) and create a list. FM= qv x B --> FM= qvBsinᶿ F= I x B FM= FC --> r= mv/ (qB) Velocity Selector: FM= FE --> v= E/B FB= ʃI (dl x B= μoI/ (2πr) μo= 4π e-7 Maxwell's 2nd Equation: ʃB·dA= 0 σInduced= (1-(1/k)) σFree B-Field due to Current Loop: B= μoI/ (2r) ʃB x dl= μoIpenetrating B= NμoI/ L μ= NIA



The physics of roof trusses

Hey people, i know that it's not a fan favorite but i haven't done a blog post on my independent study. Recently I finished a roof truss called a double cantilever (or a type C truss), a model for the technology room. This specific type of roof truss is used mostly in commercial and industrial buildings. It spans on average 16 meters, or 52.5 feet. That's really all I know, but I'm really proud of my work which I think is very cool. Hope you guys agree!! (Again, sorry about the extreme size of



The Physics of Music- Faraday Style

Ok, to be completely honest I came up with this idea thanks to Mr. Fullerton and Goalkeeper0. Anyways, whenever someone talks about Faraday's Cage, I think about that scene in Sorcerer's Apprentice. Not only is it a funny movie, but it's got physics in it. Not to mention Nicholas Cage (hahaha Nicholas Cage, Faraday's Cage, no pun intended). What's not to love? So here's a clip from the movie, which is a great and really cool example of Faraday's Cage. Enjoy the Show!



The Physics of Answers

Ok, I have been working really hard to finish the AP Physics Review Packet, but I haven't really compared answers with anyone else. So I thought it would be helpful for everyone if I posted my answers. I personally think they are right, but if you have a different answer, SAY SO!!! I would gladly compare notes to find the correct answer, helping everyone out. If I missed any questions, let me know. [TABLE="class: grid, width: 500"] [TR] [TD]Pg 1 1. A 11. B [/TD] [TD]Pg 2 14. A 15. E 2.



The Physics of Decisions

Let's cut to the chase: Life is full of decisions, especially as a senior in high school. Over the years I have noticed that many people have a difficult time making decisions, so I have decided that I am going to release my decision-making secret, the reason why I can so easily make decisions: I use math. Making decisions is like momentum (p= mv) , two opposing forces collide, changing the directions of the objects. To make things simple, let's refer to only two balls (aka choices). Each ball



The Physics of Batgirl

Unfortunately, this is the last of the Batman Blog Post series. However, I saved my favorite for last: Batgirl. When Barbara Gordon first became Batgirl, it was without the consent of Batman; in fact, he didn't even know about it until he saw her in costume. So, Batgirl had to purchase and create her own costume and weapons, including a jumpline to swing around Gotham like Batman. However, she got the wrong jumpline, and would have died, but Batman cut the rope and Robin saved her. Why would



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